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BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used to smooth wrinkles in the neck and face to create a more youthful appearance. It is especially useful in the eye area. Removing wrinkles from between the eyes can dramatically change a person’s look from one of permanent anger or sadness to one of contentment and restedness. It is also frequently used on the thin wrinkles that surround the eyes (often called “crows feet”) and the mouth, but can also be used in other areas, such as along the chin and jaw. Mesotherapy can be used to treat cellulite, which results in smoother appearing skin, but no reduction in volume, or it can be used to treat localized fat, which results in a reduction of volume of fat, but no change in skin surface. It is also possible to treat both of these problems in the same body area (such as outer thighs), but it is recommended to address them at different treatment sessions to avoid over-treatment in any given area.